Knack und Back

A German brand

Where can I find Knack und Back ?
convenience stores
Why choose Knack und Back ?

Knack & Back™ has long had a firm place in the hearts of consumers. Since 1972, people have been able to fulfill their baking dreams in complete comfort – and enjoy whatever they want and always exactly whenever they want it! The idea of fresh dough in a can was born 50 years ago, and before each Knack & Back™ moment of indulgence there is the fun of opening of the dough with a loud “crack”.
Our classics are the famous and beloved Sunday rolls and croissants that serve an easy and delicious breakfast experience! And since then, we have continuously expanded our assortment with many oven-fresh baking moments from fluffy cinnamon buns, savory garlic bread to tasty pizza-kits. With friends or family, there are no limit to creativity, bon appétit!
Knack und Back products line

Pizza Kit

Garlic bread,
aromatic herb bread

Sunday rolls,
chocolate croissants,
multigrain rolls,
cinnamon rolls,
buttermilk rolls
Knack und Back, at any time of the day