English Bay Bakery

A ¨North American¨ brand

Where can you find
English Bay Bakery?
English Bay Bakery is marketed in Canada and the United States
by our food service and store-bakeries customers.
Our products reach almost every home in North America.
Why choose English Bay Bakery ?

English Bay is a beautiful beach located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. English Bay Batter started its journey in the early 1980s next to English Bay, with a single café located on Denman Street, in the vibrant west end of Vancouver.
From humble beginnings, English Bay Batter, which was later renamed English Bay Bakery, grew into the leading cookie dough and baked cookies brand in North America.
English Bay Bakery products line

¨Thaw & Serve¨ cookies

Frozen cookie dough

Individually wrapped cookies
Over 30 cookie dough flavors from everyday to seasonal & unique!
English Bay Bakery, all around the clock